By Desirae Bloom

Leah Downing
Sometimes you meet a person who has such a pinpointed gift that it is hard to articulate the effect that person had to help create & recognize substance within your life. When you meet that person, you want to tell everyone- this is something special, uniquely personal, and tangible. Thank you Desirae for a profound experience.

Harry Kroner
I highly recommend Desirae, she is amazingly intuitive and talented. She brings the highest vibrational healing and sacred geometry codes into your field. You will feel fantastic at the end of the session and will continue to receive for days to come.

Alysia Wells
Desirae talked me through some heavy thoughts, actions, and habits. Her healing work gave me so much energy and confidence, as well as finding my inner power. I always felt great when I left her office.

Suzannah Nickells
Desirae is a truly gifted healer and channel. I have been so blessed to experience her healing and downloads as well as the gift of a receiving a personalized Sacred Geometry print. I have also had the great fortune of knowing this amazing woman for several years, watching and experiencing her expanding gifts!!

Kelly Belle
I had an amazing session with Desirae today at the Embracing Your Journey Expo. She and I talked and then she put some sacred geometry templates into my being. I felt empowered by these templates right away. She is a very gifted healer and I am so grateful for our chance encounter today!!!

Ryan Roman
Words and emotions cannot express my experience with the sacred geometry activations, performed by Desirae Bloom. I truly feel awakened to not only my higher self but also have tapped into this new source of power. This source of power has always been inside of me, suppressed by past energies that were not even mine. It is almost as if the child part of me grew up one day and suddenly it was time to ‘adult’ or put on this armor. There were so many things I wanted to do and experience and actually experience, not just fall witness to action without emotion. In my day to day life I knew there was more that needed to be done. Trying to find that lost child or dropping that armor never seemed like an option. During my activation it was almost as if this siphon was taking out parts of me that no longer had a purpose, because they were never even mine. Like this haze over the world was finally lifted and I could let this child come out. Exploring, with my armor dropped, everyday seems to unveil layers of myself that I never knew existed. I accept my emotions in a whole new light and nurture myself more as this activation works through my body, mind, and soul. Desirae has truly gifted me with inviting my true life force back into my life. I highly recommend a session with her. You will take the sacred geometry activation throughout the rest of your life, using the tools to awaken not only yourself but the world. It is an honor to have gotten so much insight, while also receiving a truly blessed gift.